
Leagues & Clubs Track Players BETTER! Your Central Scouting database!
- Access all player performance data in one spot, across your league, club or team
- View player evaluations and scouting reports by coaches and scouts
- Search player performance data for physical, mindset and scouting metrics
Create your profile and explore Best Athletes
- Recruiting Profile
- Team Features
- Video Studio
- Self Assessment
- Basic Highlight Reel
- Access to Scouting Reports
- Limited University Search
- Limited Profile shares
$250 / year
Enhanced recruiting profile and school search
- All Standard Features
- + Enhanced Highlight Reel
- + Unlimited University Search
- + University Share
$400 / year
Comprehensive solution for advanced athletes
- All Showcase Features
- + Premium Video Studio
- + Unlimited Highlights
- + Mindset Reports
- + Comparative Analysis
- + Unlimited Profile Shares
Athletes Get Recruited FASTER! Take Control of your Future
- Search more than 2,700 US and Canadian Colleges & Universities
- Connect with 6,000+ coaches
- Build your recruiting profile - share with coaches and scouts
- Get your Pro Scouting Report

Coaches Recruit & Evaluate FASTER
- Create athlete evaluation and scouting reports with Pro Scouting template
- View athlete game and skills videos
- Track recruits with links to individual recruiting profiles
Best Athletes is "Moneyball meets Linkedin" for Youth Sports. Our talent identification platform helps coaches and clubs evaluate & recruit youth athletes leveraging online tools and machine learning. Led by CEO Steven Caldwell, current TSN Soccer Analyst, former captain of Toronto FC and English Premier League player, our experienced team of sports and technology industry professionals is redefining how data science allows youth sport coaches to evaluate and recruit faster through leading edge sports analytics tools. Best Athletes is the common performance connection between Athletes/Parents, coaches, clubs, universities & colleges, Associations and Scouts